
The HighStone has been renamed the EagleLedge. We need queens.

We all know that the Falcon/Breeze/Cedar prophecy was, obviously, a failure. Should we have a second one? Any ideas for it? Vote on the poll and tell me your ideas at the Information Page!

Also, look at the history of FalconClan, named The Feathers of a Falcon (its in the sidebar, under "Important Pages")

I've changed the limit of cats per person from 6 to no limit at all. However, don't go crazy with your number of cats, or I may ask you to kill or send away one or two of them. Thanks!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Elder's Den

The Elder's Den is where the clan elders, or retired warriors, sleep. Elders are most known for their crankiness and grumpiness (especially towards apprentices), but the elders will always fight to the death for their clan, no matter how old they are. Located next to the Apprentice's Den and the Medicine Cat's Den, the Elder's Den is a small cave with a lichen curtain.


  1. "Come on, Hollyshade. Our den is this way," Mallowheart meowed to her sister, pushing away the lichen curtain and entering the dark den. Hollyshade followed her sister into the den. "This old place is where we are sleeping? I don't see any nests! It looks like this den hasn't been used in ages," Hollyshade grumbled. "Cheer up, cranky. I'll go and get some apprentices to help," Mallowheart said. Hollyshade sighed and meowed, "Ok. Hurry back and bring me something to eat." Mallowheart nodded and walked out of the den, heading to the apprentices' den.


  2. Leafpaw looked in the den. "No one," she sighed, deflated. She shook her head, and padded back to the camp clearing.
    (Newest post)

  3. "Mallowheart! Mallowheart! Tell me a story!" Blossomkit said.

  4. Mallowheart turned and saw the little kit. "Well, let's see now..what would you like to hear a story about?" she asked Blossomkit.


  5. "If you're going to tell a story, would you just go somewhere else? I'm trying to rest, here!" Hollyshade mumbled.

