
The HighStone has been renamed the EagleLedge. We need queens.

We all know that the Falcon/Breeze/Cedar prophecy was, obviously, a failure. Should we have a second one? Any ideas for it? Vote on the poll and tell me your ideas at the Information Page!

Also, look at the history of FalconClan, named The Feathers of a Falcon (its in the sidebar, under "Important Pages")

I've changed the limit of cats per person from 6 to no limit at all. However, don't go crazy with your number of cats, or I may ask you to kill or send away one or two of them. Thanks!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


The darkest part of the forest, where you can barely see the sunlight streaming through the trees, Shadowpines may be a little scary but runs rich with prey as not many cats go there. Be careful, though, because there are quite a lot of owls that live there. It is in the center of the four Woods, a small part of the forest nonetheless, but still menacing.


  1. Shadownight, Shadowmist, and Talonstrike padded into the darkest part of the forest, all feeling shivers go down their spine as they heard the menacing screech of a horned owl.

  2. Shadowmist padded deeper into the forest, alert for any signs of reaction. "Nothing..." She glanced at the patrol through the darkness. "See anything?"


  3. Talonstrike shook his head. "No. But there's this weird sense I'm getting that there is something here..."

  4. A shadowy figure sped across a patch of grass, rustling the leaves underfoot. Shadowmist snarled eyes on where the figure had disappeared. "Show yourself!"


  5. Talonstrike looked around, his eyes narrowed. "Where are you?"
    Another shadow flitted across the clearing.

  6. Shadowmist felt her fur bristle, both in fear and anger. She took a tentative step forward. "Cowards," she muttered just within earshot, hoping to bring them out.


  7. (who is it, by the way?)

    The shadows were everywhere now. Talonstrike tried not to feel scared, and Shadownight growled under his breath. "Just come out already."

  8. (Umm...Not much to pick from...)

    Shadowmist tensed. She felt as if there were more surrounding them. A twig snapped, their whole patrol turning instantly. "What are they trying to do...?"

