
The HighStone has been renamed the EagleLedge. We need queens.

We all know that the Falcon/Breeze/Cedar prophecy was, obviously, a failure. Should we have a second one? Any ideas for it? Vote on the poll and tell me your ideas at the Information Page!

Also, look at the history of FalconClan, named The Feathers of a Falcon (its in the sidebar, under "Important Pages")

I've changed the limit of cats per person from 6 to no limit at all. However, don't go crazy with your number of cats, or I may ask you to kill or send away one or two of them. Thanks!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Aspen Wood

This part of the Forest is the smallest of all. It neighbors the Ash and Maple Woods. There is a particularly huge aspen in the middle, thus its name. The large aspen in the center of the Wood is nicknamed the Trembling Tree, as its dark green leaves tremble at the slightest hint of a breeze. Prey here consists mainly of mice and shrews, but many birds of prey come here as well, and it has the second most number of hawks and eagles. The first most is the Cloudy Gorge.


  1. Oakfang padded into Aspen Wood looking for prey for the fresh kill pile. Quickly he scented a mouse nibbling a nut by the Trembling Tree.It was awfully scrawny but that was normal for leaf-bare. He slowly dropped into the stalking stance moving slowly toward the mouse's back.He quickly killed it as it's ears stood up. Carrying the prey toward the aspen, he buried it so he could hunt more prey.

  2. Brookstar, Sunshadow, and Nightshadow padded into the forest, and looked around. "I scent mice and sparrows," the leader remarked.

  3. Nightshadow nodded. "But we shouldn't stray too far from each other," she remarked. "There still might be foxes wandering around...." Sunshadow looked around, his eyes gazing over the tall trees.

  4. Brookstar agreed. "Yes, but the foxes are the farthest away from the Aspen Wood- they're in the Hawthorn Wood. Why do you think I chose this place?" She suddenly sped off and came back with a squirrel in her mouth.

  5. Nightshadow sighed. "As always, you're right," she said to her friend. "I'll go that way." She pointed to the right with her tail, dashing away without another word. Sunshadow looked after the running cat. "Well," he said. "I should go hunt too....."

  6. Brookstar touched his shoulder with her tailtip. "Come with me," she commanded. "You're new and you don't know the territory well." She went forward with Sunshadow following her.

  7. Sunshadow nodded. "Anything you say," he said, speeding up so that he was right next to the leader, his broad shoulder brushing past her pelt.

  8. Brookstar's face was calm and showed no emotion. She suddenly stopped, her tail blocking Sunshadow's path. "I scent a bird," she said to him, quietly. "See if you can catch it."

  9. Sunshadow nodded, padding forward carefully as to not stir the leaves underneath him. Once he was in pouncing range of the bird, he leapt swiftly, landing squarely on it and delivering the killing bite. He walked back to Brookstar, the creature clamped in his jaws.

  10. "Good." Brookstar nodded curtly, and buried it for him before killing two mice in a row. "You're doing pretty good," she said to him, smiling, feeling in a good mood today.

  11. Sunshadow grinned slightly. "Thanks," he said. "You are too." He didn't really know it, but there was something in him that was sparked by the leader's presence. Could it be....?

  12. Brookstar was oblivious as she went forward to give him a tiny smile and nod before climbing a tall tree and snagging a squirrel. They soon arrived upon the Trembling Tree. "Look at this huge aspen. We call it the Trembling Tree because at the slightest wind the leaves shiver."

  13. Sunshadow stared at the tree in wonder. A soft wind blew around, as if proving the leader's words. He opened his jaws, but no sound came out.

  14. Brookstar laughed a little. "You look like you'd just seen a blue squirrel fly," she smiled, and looked up at the towering tree. "We're at the center of the Wood now, by the way."

  15. Sunshadow looked at the leader in surprise. "Really? It seems so...dense in here. I used to live in really open spaces, so I guess I'm not really used to this forest yet...."

  16. Brookstar nodded. "That's reasonable. You'll get used to it after a while." She let them rest for a little while longer before standing back up. "We should be hunting," she reminded him, parting her jaws to scent prey once more.

  17. (lol ima sleep now to see if i can manage to have a dreamless sleep. gnite, will be back at appx 5:45:32)

    Sunshadow nodded. "I'll go in a different direction," he said. "I kind of have a sense of the forest now, and if I get lost I'll just make my way back here."

  18. (gnite :D)

    "Alright. I'll meet with you back here then," she gave him a friendly smile and went off in the opposite direction.

  19. Sunshadow quickly caught a plump vole, quietly burying it, then dashed off to hunt more prey.

    Meanwhile, Nightshadow had caught a lot of prey, and was stalking a squirrel in a tree.

  20. Brookstar caught another bird and two more mice, burying them. She spotted a small hare and ran after it.

  21. Sunshadow was doing pretty well, and started to head back, his jaws full of prey. He waited at the spot where Brookstar and him had separated.

  22. Brookstar came running back soon after, her jaws full also. She set them down. "Good job if you really weren't used to the terrain," she told him.

  23. (Can't do x)

    Sunshadow shrugged. "I'll have to get used to it soon, anyways," he remarked. Nightshadow appeared from out of the trees. "You two sure caught a lot," she said, setting her prey down.

  24. (o)

    Brookstar shrugged. "Enough," she told her friend. "Let's go." She picked up her prey again and turned to leave.

  25. Nightshadow looked over at Sunshadow, and they both followed suit, padding back to the camp.
