
The HighStone has been renamed the EagleLedge. We need queens.

We all know that the Falcon/Breeze/Cedar prophecy was, obviously, a failure. Should we have a second one? Any ideas for it? Vote on the poll and tell me your ideas at the Information Page!

Also, look at the history of FalconClan, named The Feathers of a Falcon (its in the sidebar, under "Important Pages")

I've changed the limit of cats per person from 6 to no limit at all. However, don't go crazy with your number of cats, or I may ask you to kill or send away one or two of them. Thanks!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

More New Cats and Patrols

Brookstar stood proudly on the HighStone, looking down at her clan. "We have MANY new cats joining us today! First of all, I would like to welcome Goldenshine, Flarestorm, Frostpelt, and Stormtalon! Do you all promise to defend and uphold the warrior code and your clan, even at the cost of your life?'
"I do," they meowed firmly.
"Then I confirm your warrior names and I make you full warriors of FalconClan." Brookstar then turned to the new apprentices. "Stonepaw and Streampaw! Welcome to FalconClan. Do you promise to train as warriors of FalconClan, and do as your mentors tell you?"
"I do." The young cats' voices held no hesitation whatsoever.
"Then Stormtalon, though you are new you are determined and loyal. You will mentor Stonepaw. Berylmist, you have shown your intelligence, kindness, and loyalty many times over, especially in the badger attack. You deserve an apprentice, and you will mentor Streampaw."
The mentors and apprentices touched noses, and Brookstar continued on.
"We also have Snowkit joining us today." Brookstar purred down at the white she-cat. "She will join Stormkit, Cherrykit, Briskkit, and Mousekit in the nursery with Poppyleaf as her foster mother." The silver leader nodded at the only queen in the nursery.
Brookstar waited until the cheering was over, then spoke again, this time in a more businesslike manner. "I would like for Nightclaw to lead a border patrol. I recommend the IceClan border, as you never know what they are up to. Also, Talonstrike, would you lead a hunting patrol? Each of you will take three to five other cats with you. Thank you. Meeting dismissed." She spoke the last words curtly, and then turned around swiftly and padded silently into her den.


  1. Snowkit padded over to Cherrykit, Stormkit, and Briskkit. Her tail straight with excitment. "Hello." She squeaked.

    He touched noses with Stonepaw.

    She bounded over to Berylmist and touched noses. "What will we learn today?" She asked.

    His eyes lit up with excitment and pure determination.

    He sat beside Frostpelt, his pelt glowing like fire. He sat quietly, not knowing much of his new clanmates.

    "Why don't you go find other warriors to talk to?" She asked.

  2. Stormkit smiled. "Hi Snowkit! I'm Stormkit," he flicked his tail to his two siblings. "She's Cherrykit, and he's Briskkit."

    - Stormkit -

  3. Berylmist purred down at Streampaw. "It's a little late, so we won't have any time to go out today. But why don't you take a piece of freshkill to the nursery? Then you can eat and rest. We'll be out at dawn, and I'll show you the territory. Okay?"

  4. "Okay!" She purred and ran for the fresh kill pile, coming back seconds with a thrush in her jaws. She padded over to the nursery to give the queen and kits their prey.

    "Nice meeting you," she said.

  5. Talonstrike looked around for the right cats to take on his patrol. "Frostpelt, Moonblossom, Crowflight, and Cobaltpaw, follow me to the Hawthorn Wood. We'll hunt there."

  6. Leafpaw watched the new members expressionlessly. Her eyes followed Stonepaw, and she blinked and looked away.

    Moonblossom sighed and followed Talonstrike.

  7. "Okay," She smiled warmly and padded over to Talonstrike. "How is it in FalconClan?" She asked, as a new cat, she wasn't quite used to clans.

    "Hi," He meowed to Leafpaw, his emerald eyes blazing with only friendlieness.
    (If that's a word... :P )

  8. "It's great here. We help each other out, and all the freshkill we catch is shared among us. The queens and elders eat first, though, because they need to be the healthiest- the queens, taking care of kits, and the elders, the history of our clans. Then the warriors and apprentices eat, then the leaders with them sometimes, because the leader has nine lives. We, as you know, follow StarClan and the Warrior Code. It's what makes us who we are," Talonstrike added, looking warmly at the white she-cat.

  9. She purred, and nodded understandingly. She would have to tell her brother about what Talonstrike had said though she knew he would already know. "That's very..." she tried to find the right word. "loyal, I would have never thought of clan cats like this before." She finished. "But now, I'm glad I'm here."

  10. "I'm sure," Talonstrike replied, smiling is signature easy, mischeivious smile, like he had no other care in the world.

    (Hawthorn, then?)

  11. (Hawthorn what??)

    She looked at him carefully. "What?" She asked, her eyes full of confusion.

  12. (The Hawthorn Wood is where we're hunting. look under the Forest, with The Ash Wood, Shadowpines, The Maple Wood and The Aspen Wood)

    Talonstrike looked back at her. "I'm glad that you're glad you're here," he explained, then realized how weird that sounded. "I mean-" He stopped, thinking. "It's great that you like it here," he said finally.

  13. She twitched her tail, showing her amusment. "Thank you, it's also good their are friendly clanmates who mumble." She nudged him.

  14. Talonstrike flashed her a grin, apologizing, "Sorry. I do that a lot." He flicked his tail tip over her ear playfully, then mewed, "Come on, we'd better get going. We won't be able to hunt anything then!"

  15. "Okay, okay." She rolled her eyes and opened her mouth, letting the scents wash over her scent glands. Her ears perked and she slided forward, placing her paws perfectly. She slipped into the bracken and came out with a squirrel in her jaws. "I caught something." She said, the prey muffling her awnser.

  16. "Congratulations," Talonstrike told her, then spotted a mouse out of the corner of his eyes. "My turn," he whispered, and prowled forward, seeming to glide on the forest floor. Leaping forward, he trapped the woodmouse under his paws and killed it with a swift bite.

  17. Talonstrike purred back, then buried it, scuffing earth over his kill. "Let's go to the Hawthorn Wood instead," he suggested. "There's a lot more prey there."

  18. "Okay." She meowed, burrying her prey as well.
