
The HighStone has been renamed the EagleLedge. We need queens.

We all know that the Falcon/Breeze/Cedar prophecy was, obviously, a failure. Should we have a second one? Any ideas for it? Vote on the poll and tell me your ideas at the Information Page!

Also, look at the history of FalconClan, named The Feathers of a Falcon (its in the sidebar, under "Important Pages")

I've changed the limit of cats per person from 6 to no limit at all. However, don't go crazy with your number of cats, or I may ask you to kill or send away one or two of them. Thanks!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Apology and Prophecy

Hi! Anyway, I'd like to apologize for my absence. I'm really sorry for not being on and all that, but I'm still blogging, so.... sorry, and I hope you all forgive me. Anyway, here's he start of a prophecy! Still not sure exactly what it'lll be about yet, but here's the prompt:

Brookstar, as most leaders probably did, collapsed into her soft nest with a groan. She was exhausted. The life of a leader seemed magnanimous and lofty, but it was really quite tiring. It wouldn't be long until she got too old, and Nightclaw became leader. She closed her eyelids, tucked her nose in her tail, and promptly felt the blackness of slumber take her.

She was in the dark. Well, kind of. There was a full moon where she was, and she seemed to be sitting on some dead grass and leaves. Looking around, the leader realized that this location was rather familiar... strange, she thought. With a sickening pang of fear Brookstar realized that this was her camp. This was the heart of FalconClan, destroyed, gone, abandoned, dead... She stretched her eyes wide and backed away slowly. "No... how could this..."

"You're seeing the future, Brooklight." The voice of Eaglestar, the first leader of FalconClan. Brooklight. She hadn't heard that in so long. It was her warrior name. "You're seeing what'll happen to your clan."

"Eaglestar! I... how could this be? I thought I was a good leader, I thought I lead FalconClan well... will I fail them? Oh, StarClan..." Brookstar shook her head frantically.

"Fear not, Brooklight. What will go on in the future will be affected by what you do. By what your clanmates will do. This is your choice, Brooklight. You can save it or destroy it... Brooklight, what will you do?"

"I'll save it! I'll do whatever it takes... I'll give my life for it, Eaglestar!" Brookstar looked around in a panic, searching for the amber eyes of Eaglestar to look into, to assure...

"Remember, Brooklight, one will come for the Falcon, one will come for the light..." His voice faded away.

"No! No, tell me the rest of the prophecy! Tell me--" She jolted awake, breathing heavily. The round yellow eyes of Nightclaw stared into hers.

"Brookstar? You alright?"

Brookstar shook the prophetic dream away. "Yeah, yeah I..." she hesitated, and then made her decision. "Look, I've got to tell you something."

(the actual prophecy is:
One will come for the Falcon,
One will come for the Light.
And she will come save the Falcon,
She will make all wrong right.

There will be four to aid
To help protect our future
From the inevitable raid
And from the undoubted torture.

So, there'll be four cats (one of you guys!) and help the leader of the five (my character) to help save falconclan! i'll give you the other details later!)


  1. (yeah. if you want to be one of them... just comment!)

  2. (I'll be one of them!!! ^-^
    But the problem is I don't know which one of my cats to pick...)

  3. (Just pick a random one, I guess. Or a lower ranked one. Or a neglected one. Or your favorite one. Or make a new cat. I don't mind. :D

    I think.... my cat will be... hm... Storm-something, to commemorate dear Stormfrost in the CloverClan days. :D)

  4. (Make a new cat? ^-^
    I'll do that right after this comment.

    Haha, good idea. Ah, Stormfrost... *memories*)

  5. [I'll say Sunshadow then. Because, he's done like nothing on this clan except for meeting Moonstar. :|]

  6. (Lol, okay.
    Sure, Moon. I'll do that... so, I need, what, one or two more prophecy cats? Then we can begin the prophecy.)

  7. Added! There's a new post coming, too.
